In-band signaling — In telecommunications, in band signaling is the sending of metadata and control information in the same band, on the same channel, as used for data.TelephoneFor example, when dialing a modern telephone, the telephone number is encoded and… … Wikipedia
Out-Of-Band Signaling — [engl.], Außenbandübertragung … Universal-Lexikon
Signaling System 7 — Signaling System #7 (SS7) is a set of telephony signaling protocols which are used to set up most of the world s public switched telephone network telephone calls. The main purpose is to set up and tear down telephone calls. Other uses include… … Wikipedia
out-of-band signaling — Use of narrowband filters to place the voice signal on a carrier channel below 3,400 cps, reserving the 3400 3700 cps band for supervisory signals … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Signaling (telecommunications) — In telecommunication, signaling (signalling in British spelling) has the following meanings: the use of signals for controlling communications the information exchange concerning the establishment and control of a telecommunication circuit and… … Wikipedia
Signaling System 7 — Signaling System #7 (SS7) ou système de signalisation #7 est un ensemble de protocoles de signalisation téléphonique qui sont utilisés dans la grande majorité des réseaux téléphoniques mondiaux. Sa principale application est l établissement et la … Wikipédia en Français
out-of-band signaling — The transmission of control information on frequencies outside the bandwidth available for a voice or data transfer. The separation is usually accomplished by means of a filter … Dictionary of networking
signaling, in-band — A type of signaling using an AC signal (usually 2600 Hz) within the normal voice band. This signal can be transmitted from end to end of a long voice circuit without an intermediate signaling equipment. Since the signaling is audible, the… … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Signaling (Wirtschaftswissenschaft) — Grundidee der Prinzipal Agent Theorie (P: Prinzipal, A: Agent) Die Prinzipal Agent Theorie (auch Agenturtheorie) ist innerhalb der ein Teilgebiet der . Sie bietet ein Modell, um das Handeln von Menschen in einer zu erklären, aber trifft auch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Signaling System 7 — Signalisierung Unter Signalisierung versteht man in der Telekommunikation die Übertragung von Steuerinformationen. Einfache Signalisierungsinformation sind zum Beispiel klingeln oder Teilnehmer besetzt. Weiter gibt es Signalisierungsinformationen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Out-of-band — The term out of band has different uses in communications and telecommunication. In case of out of band control signaling, signaling bits are sent in special order in a dedicated signaling frame. D channel in ISDN is an example of out of band and … Wikipedia